Ocelotti nati a Roma il 18/04/02

Coppa Kuala Lampur (CZ):
30 Novembre 2006

Cup of the Coppa: 2/2002
Cup of the Lonza: 2/2002,1/2003
Copa de l'Ano: 2006
Best SJCA Team: 2002,2004,2005,2006
Challenge: 1/2002,8/2005,13/2007
Cup of the Coppa: 1/2002,3/2002,6/2004,7/2004
Cup of the Lonza: 1/2002,6/2004,11/2006,13/2007
Copa de l'Ano: 2004
Best SJCA Team: 2007

1/2002 6 4 2 0 31 20 11 666 3 2 12 12 0 666 0 0 0 1 0 9 666 43 32 11
2/2002 10 8 0 2 61 41 20 800 3 3 19 9 10 1000 0 0/1 0 1 0 13 846 80 50 30
3/2002 7 3 0 4 43 42 1 429 3 2 16 12 4 666 0 0/1 0 2 0 10 500 59 54 5
2002 23 15 2 6 135 103 32 652 9 7 47 33 14 777 0 0/2 0 4 0 32 687 182 136 46
4/2003 16 7 0 9 79 97 18 437 1 0 2 4 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 17 412 81 101 20
5/2003 7 2 0 5 32 47 15 286 2 1 7 6 1 500 0 0 0 3 1 9 333 39 53 14
2003 23 9 0 14 111 144 33 391 3 1 9 10 1 333 0 0 2 3 1 26 385 120 154 34
Total 46 24 2 20 246 247 1 522 12 8 56 43 13 666 0 0/2 2 7 1 58 552 302 290 12

Games progression

1. Ombre Rosse- Ocelotti: 3-4                              18/04/02                 C
2. Ocelotti - Digger Twins: 8-2                            02/05/02                 C
3. Ocelotti - Atletico Leonzio: 5-5                        09/05/02                 C 
4. Ocelotti - Ombre Rosse: 6-4                             16/05/02                 C 
5. Digger Twins - Ocelotti: 1-3                            23/05/02                 C 
6. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti : 5-5                       30/05/02                 C 
7. Ocelotti - Ombre Rosse: 3-0 (a tav.)                    06/06/02                 CC 
8. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti: 7-5                        13/06/02                 CC 
9. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti: 5-7                        20/06/02                 CL
10. Extravergine - Ocelotti: 7-3                           27/06/02                 C
11. Ocelotti - Digger Twins: 10-2                          04/07/02                 C 
12. Pescara - Ocelotti: 4-5                                11/07/02                 C 
13. Ocelotti - Ombre Rosse: 6-1                            18/07/02                 C 
14. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti: 4-6                       25/07/02                 C
15. Ocelotti - Extravergine: 5-8                           12/09/02                 C 
16. Digger Twins - Ocelotti: 4-8                           19/09/02                 C
17. Ombre Rosse - Ocelotti: 0-3 (a tav.)                   26/09/02                 C 
18. Ocelotti - Pescara: 7-4                                03/10/02                 C 
19. Ocelotti - Atletico Leonzio: 11-7                      10/10/02                 C 
20. Ocelotti - Digger Twins: 6-3                           24/10/02                 CC 
21. Ocelotti - Extravergine: 7-5                           31/10/02                 CC 
22. Ocelotti - Atletico Leonzio: 6-1                       04/11/02                 CL
23. Extravergine - Ocelotti: 5-8                           07/11/02                 C 
24. Digger Twins - Ocelotti: 5-7                           14/11/02                 C 
25. Ocelotti - Atletico Leonzio: 5-6                       21/11/02                 C
26. Ocelotti - Ombre Rosse: 5-6                            28/11/02                 C 
27. Ocelotti - Pungolo: 7-8                                05/12/02                 C 
28. Ocelotti - Freebirds: 3-5                              19/12/02                 C 
29. Ocelotti - Pescareccio: 8-7                            16/01/03                 C 
30. Extravergine - Ocelotti: 4-7                           23/01/03                 CC 
31. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti: 2-4                       30/01/03                 CC 
32. Ocelotti - Digger Twins: 5-6                           06/02/03                 CC 
33. Ocelotti - Freebirds: 7-6                              13/02/03                 C 
34. Ombre Rosse - Ocelotti: 10-3                           20/02/03                 C 
35. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti: 0-3 (a tav.)              27/02/03                 C 
36. Ocelotti - Extravergine: 10-6                          06/03/03                 C 
37. Ocelotti - Spiders: 6-9                                13/03/03                 C
38. Digger Twins - Ocelotti: 3-6                           20/03/03                 C
39. Ocelotti - Pescareccio: 3-0 (a tav.)                   03/04/03                 C 
40. Cinghialotti - Ocelotti: 6-5                           10/04/03                 C 
41. Spiders - Ocelotti: 4-2                                17/04/03                 CC
42. Freebirds - Ocelotti: 7-10                             15/05/03                 C
43. Ombre Rosse - Ocelotti: 8-2                            22/05/03                 C 
44. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti: 5-7                       29/05/03                 C 
45. Ocelotti - Extravergine: 6-10                          05/06/03                 C
46. Ocelotti - Spiders: 4-6                                12/06/03                 C
47. Digger Twins - Ocelotti: 8-5                           19/06/03                 C
48. Ocelotti - Pescareccio: 4-5                            03/07/03                 C
49. Cinghialotti - Ocelotti: 8-4                           10/07/03                 C
50. Ocelotti - Freebirds: 6-5                              18/09/03                 C
51. Sboroni - Ocelotti: 9-8                                25/09/03                 C
52. Ocelotti - Digger Twins: 2-7                           02/10/03                 C
53. Pescareccio - Ocelotti: 3-6                            09/10/03                 C
54. Extravergine - Ocelotti: 7-4                           16/10/03                 C
55. Ocelotti - Ombre Rosse: 6-7                            23/10/03                 C
. Cinghialotti - Ocelotti: 10-5                          30/10/03                 C
57. Ocelotti - Atletico Leonzio: 4-1                       20/11/03                 CC
58. Ombre Rosse - Ocelotti: 5-3                            04/12/03                 CC
59. Ocelotti - Spiders: 7-2                                29/01/04                 C
60. Freebirds - Ocelotti: 3-8                              05/02/04                 C
61. Ocelotti - Cinghialotti: 6-5                           12/02/04                 C
62. Ocelotti - Sboroni: 11-1                               26/02/04                 C
63. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti: 5-4                       04/03/04                 C
64. Ocelotti - Digger Twins: 6-2                           11/03/04                 C
65. Pescareccio - Ocelotti: 12-4                           18/03/04                 C
. Ocelotti - Ombre Rosse: 3-3                            25/03/04                 C
. Ocelotti - Spiders: 12-2                               15/04/04                 C
68. Freebirds - Ocelotti: 1-3                              22/04/04                 C
69. Ocelotti - Cinghialotti: 3-0 (a tav.)                  29/04/04                 C
70. Ocelotti - Sboroni: 4-3                                06/05/04                 C
71. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti: 2-2                       13/05/04                 C
72. Ocelotti - Digger Twins: 5-3                           20/05/04                 C
73. Pescareccio - Ocelotti: 3-6                            27/05/04                 C
. Ocelotti - Ombre Rosse: 6-8                            03/06/04                 C
75. Ocelotti - Spiders: 5-3                                10/06/04                 CC
76. Ocelotti - Spiders: 7-4                                17/06/04                 CC   
77. Ocelotti - Ombre Rosse: 4-2                            24/06/04                 CC
78. Ocelotti - Ombre Rosse: 2-3                            01/07/04                 CC
79. Ocelotti - Freebirds: 3-4                              08/07/04                 CC
80. Ocelotti - Freebirds: 4-8                              15/07/04                 CL
81. Freebirds - Ocelotti: 5-4                              23/09/04                 C
82. Ocelotti - Atletico Leonzio: 3-3                       30/09/04                 C
83. Atletico Trieste - Ocelotti: 2-2                       07/10/04                 C
84. Sboroni - Ocelotti: 1-9                                21/10/04                 C
85. Pescareccio - Ocelotti: 4-6                            28/10/04                 C
86. Ocelotti - Digger Twins: 7-2                           04/11/04                 C
87. Ocelotti - Bruchi: 3-2                                 18/11/04                 C
88. New Old Boys - Ocelotti: 3-3                           22/11/04                 C
89. Ocelotti - Under The Bridge: 3-2                       25/11/04                 C
90. Ocelotti - Briganti Della Sila: 4-7                    02/12/04                 C
91. Ocelotti - Spiders: 3-0 (a tav.)                       09/12/04                 C
92. Ocelotti - Dinamo: 7-3                                 27/12/04                 IC
93. Ocelotti - Villaggio AM: 5-7                           28/12/04                 IC
94. Ocelotti - Black Out: 6-4                              29/12/04                 IC
95. Ocelotti - Atletico Trieste: 2-4                       10/01/05                 CDA
96. Ocelotti - Atletico Leonzio: 3-2                       20/01/05                 CC
97. Ocelotti - Atletico Trieste: 5-2                       27/01/05                 CC
98. Ocelotti - New Old Boys: 2-3                           03/02/05                 CC
99. Ocelotti - Briganti Della Sila: 5-4                    07/03/05                 C
100. Extravergine - Ocelotti: 4-8                          10/03/05                 C
101. Spiders - Ocelotti: 3-11                              17/03/05                 C
102. Ombre Rosse - Ocelotti: 3-6                           24/03/05                 C
103. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti: 2-2                      07/04/05                 C
104. Under The Bridge - Ocelotti: 3-3                      14/04/05                 C
105. Freebirds - Ocelotti: 2-4                             21/04/05                 C
106. Digger Twins - Ocelotti: 2-2                          28/04/05                 C
107. New Old Boys - Ocelotti: 0-3 (a tav.)                 05/05/05                 C
108. Dinamo Ichnusa - Ocelotti: 1-4                        09/05/05                 C
109. Ocelotti - Briganti Della Sila: 8-0                   12/05/05                 C
110. Dinamo Ichnusa - Ocelotti: 3-3                        19/05/05                 C
111. Extravergine - Ocelotti: 2-0                          26/05/05                 C
112. Spiders - Ocelotti: 0-3 (a tav.)                      09/06/05                 C
113. Ombre Rosse - Ocelotti: 5-3                           16/06/05                 C
114. Ocelotti - Cinghialotti: 6-6 (rig. 10-9)              20/06/05                 CC
115. Ocelotti - Under The Bridge: 3-0                      23/06/05                 C
116. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti: 3-5                      30/06/05                 C
117. Freebirds - Ocelotti: 6-1                             07/07/05                 C
118. Digger Twins - Ocelotti: 3-2                          14/07/05                 C
119. Ocelotti - Dinamo Ichnusa: 2-5                        21/07/05                 CC
120. Ocelotti - Spiders: 6-2                               22/09/05                 C
121. Ocelotti - Freebirds: 2-1                             29/09/05                 C
122. Ocelotti - Digger Twins: 7-5                          06/10/05                 C
123. Ocelotti - Cinghialotti: 4-4                          13/10/05                 C
124. Ocelotti - Atletico Leonzio: 10-3                     27/10/05                 C
125. Lokomotiv Mordor - Ocelotti: 4-2                      03/11/05                 C
126. Carbonari - Ocelotti: 3-10                            17/11/05                 C
127. Under The Bridge - Ocelotti: 2-3                      24/11/05                 C
128. Briganti Della Sila - Ocelotti: 5-3                   01/12/05                 C
129. Ocelotti - Freebirds: 0-3 (a tav.)                    13/12/05                 CC
130. Atletico Fregene - Ocelotti: 4-2                      09/02/06                 10C
131. Ocelotti - Under The Bridge: 15-5                     09/03/06                 10C
132. Lokomotiv Mordor - Ocelotti: 3-10                     13/10/06                 10C
133. Ocelotti - Virtus: 4-3                                23/03/06                 10C
134. Digger Twins - Ocelotti: 2-5                          27/03/06                 10C
135. Freebirds - Ocelotti: 1-5                             13/04/06                 10C
136. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti: 2-2                      20/04/06                 10C
137. Ocelotti - Spiders: 4-2                               04/05/06                 10C
138. Carbonari - Ocelotti: 0-3 (a tav.)                    08/05/06                 10C
139. Cinghialotti - Ocelotti: 0-3 (a tav.)                 11/05/06                 10C 
140. Ocelotti - Briganti Della Sila: 5-4                   18/05/06                 10C  
141. Ocelotti - Digger Twins: 3-2                          01/06/06                 10C 
142. Ocelotti - Atletico Fregene: 3-5                      08/06/06                 10C
143. Freebirds - Ocelotti: 6-2                             22/06/06                 10CC
144. Ocelotti - Digger Twins: 4-2                          12/10/06                 11C
145. Lokomotiv Mordor - Ocelotti: 3-7                      26/10/06                 11C
146. Ocelotti - Freebirds: 5-3                             02/11/06                 11C
147. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti: 1-1                      09/11/06                 11C
148. Briganti Della Sila - Ocelotti: 1-2                   16/11/06
149. Ocelotti - Rifondazione: 9-1                          23/11/06                 11C
150. Ocelotti - Under The Bridge: 6-2                      30/11/06                 11C
151. Digger Twins - Ocelotti: 5-9                          07/12/06                 11CC
152. Rifondazione - Ocelotti: 2-6                          14/12/06                 11CC
153. Atletico Leonzio - Ocelotti: 2-3                      21/12/06                 11CC
154. Ocelotti - Briganti Della Sila: 3-3 (rig. 6-7)        18/01/07                 11CL
155. Ocelotti - Atletico Fregene: 5-3                      25/01/07                 CDA
156. Ocelotti - Under The Bridge: 4-3                      01/03/07                 12C
157. Digger Twins - Ocelotti: 3-3                          08/03/07                 12C
158. Ocelotti - Iraniani: 11-1                             15/03/07                 12C
159. Ocelotti - Atletico Leonzio: 5-2                      22/03/07                 12C
160. Rifondazione - Ocelotti: 3-2                          29/03/07                 12C
161. Ocelotti - Freebirds: 5-2                             12/04/07                 12C
162. Cinghialotti - Ocelotti: 3-7                          19/04/07                 12C
163. Lokomotiv Mordor - Ocelotti: 6-3                      23/04/07                 12C
164. Briganti Della Sila - Ocelotti: 5-2                   26/04/07                 12C
165. Lokomotiv Mordor - Ocelotti: 3-4                      10/05/07                 12C
166. Ocelotti - Under The Bridge: 7-3                      17/05/07                 12C
167. Digger Twins - Ocelotti: 1-1                          24/05/07                 12C
168. Ocelotti - Iraniani: 8-0                              31/05/07                 12C
169. Ocelotti - Atletico Leonzio: 5-3                      07/06/07                 12C
170. Rifondazione - Ocelotti: 5-5                          14/06/07                 12C
171. Ocelotti - Freebirds: 10-3                            28/06/07                 12C
172. Cinghialotti - Ocelotti: 4-2                          05/07/07                 12C
173. Lokomotiv Mordor - Ocelotti: 5-5 (rig. 9-8)           09/07/07                 12CC Q
174. Briganti Della Sila - Ocelotti: 1-9                   12/07/07                 12C
175. Rifondazione - Ocelotti: 3-2                          20/07/07                 13C
176. Ocelotti - Atletico Leonzio: 1-5                      04/10/07                 13C
177. Ocelotti - Under The Bridge: 3-2                      18/10/07                 13C
178. Freebirds - Ocelotti: 1-18                            25/10/07                 13C
179. Cinghialotti - Ocelotti: 1-5                          08/11/07                 13C
180. Briganti Della Sila - Ocelotti: 3-9                   22/11/07                 13C
181. Ocelotti - Lokomotiv Mordor: 4-5                      29/11/07                 13C
182. Cinghialotti - Ocelotti: 0-3 (a tav.)                 06/12/07                 13CC Q
183. Ocelotti - Lokomotiv Mordor: 6-4                      13/12/07                 13CC S
184. Ocelotti - Digger Twins: 5-3                          20/12/07                 13CC F
185. Lokomotiv Mordor - Ocelotti: 6-5                      17/01/08                 13CL

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